Threads of Dialogue: Rediscovering the Lost Art of Connection

11am – 12.15pm BST, 25 July 2024 ‐ 1 hour 15 mins

Room: Momentum


Human communication is a complex process influenced by various factors in every interaction. Our emotions, ideas, and beliefs affect both what we say and what we leave unsaid. Can we collectively move beyond our assumptions, creating a willingness to learn from those with different viewpoints to us? Albert Einstein famously said: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking used when we created them”. We need to adopt different ways of thinking, listening and being with one another. In this interactive talk, I invite you to embark on an enlightening journey of exploring the rich tapestry of dialogue. We'll uncover the hidden treasures of genuine connection and open inquiry through thinking together.


Elector Masarakufa

Elector Masarakufa

Old Mutual, Agile Coach, Self