Accelerate Business Performance – Experience the power of the Obeya

3pm – 4.15pm BST, 24 July 2024 ‐ 1 hour 15 mins


Accelerate a governance of trust – Experience the power of the Obeya

Leaders, coaches and changemakers, create a transparent and safe space where everyone is able to thrive. Join Alize Hofmeester in this live and interactive Obeya Experience.

Explore the transformative power of working with the Obeya, while diving into the transformative journey of a global company in the pharmaceutical industry.

Discover how scaling visual management resulted in tangible improvements like:

Interactive session learning outcomes

During this highly interactive pressure cooker session you will, amongst others,:

This session in the Obeya is meant to give space for innovation, using the Collective Intelligence of all people in the room and increase overall business performance. Join, listen, share ideas and experiences, and learn to thrive!

Looking forward to meeting you in the Obeya!


Alize Hofmeester

Alize Hofmeester

Founder of TwinXter and Author of Purpose Driven People