10 Oct 2024

Why business agility starts with a growth mindset

Business agility is much more than a set of processes or practices

In today’s fast-paced business world, the only constant is change. Therefore, not just to thrive, but even to survive in such an environment demands the ability to adapt, pivot, and innovate. For organisations, this adaptability, or ‘business agility’, is much more than a set of processes or practices. It includes a positive mindset — a growth mindset. 

So what is a growth mindset?  

Well, it starts with individuals. Those with a growth mindset believe that their skills can be developed through openness, curiosity, self-development, hard work, and input from others. This is in contrast to those with a fixed mindset, who view their talents as innate gifts rather than something they can, and should, cultivate and share. 

People with a growth mindset usually achieve more than those with a fixed mindset because they are better able to deal with change, through personal growth, learning and improving their skills.  This means being open to new ideas and being prepared to change course when feedback or new information indicates this is wise.  

Organisations with a growth mindset don’t view change as a disruption; on the contrary, they often see it as an opportunity to improve, develop, and progress. 

The mindset in action! 

Many of us will remember how, during the pandemic, organisations such as the online retail giant Amazon had to suddenly adapt to meet the increased demand for quick delivery and safe shopping. It was Amazon’s readiness to innovate that meant the company achieved greater success than its competitors. 

Let’s not forget either, the other organisations at that time that demonstrated flexibility and a growth mindset by adapting their own businesses – the restaurants that began to offer domestic deliveries for example and the airlines, heavily hit by lack of business and tourist passengers switching to cargo transport, some for the first time in their history.    

Such a mindset doesn’t just influence organisational strategies but also shapes individual behaviours. When team members continuously seek to learn and improve, they naturally become more adaptable and resilient. This makes the entire business better able to respond to market shifts, customer needs, and unforeseen challenges. 

The proof is in the pudding! 

Research carried out by psychologist Carol Dweck found that employees in growth mindset organisations had more trust in their employers. They had a greater sense of empowerment, and of ownership over their work and were 34 per cent more likely to feel a sense of commitment to the future of the organisation. They were also found to receive far greater organisational support for collaboration and innovation. 

In contrast, fixed mindset organisations reported more employees saying they wanted to leave, as well as more incidences of cheating and deception among colleagues, presumably in an attempt to gain an advantage in the talent race.  

Adaptability and responsiveness: Outcomes of lifelong learning 

Companies often focus on finding new methods to enhance adaptability and responsiveness. These skills however are fundamentally linked to a culture of learning. A workforce that's dedicated to learning can more easily understand and creatively respond to change, leveraging that change to the company’s advantage. 

An organisation that encourages its employees to upskill, share knowledge, and explore new perspectives, provides the kind of environment that fosters creativity, enhances problem-solving skills, and empowers teams to pivot quickly and confidently when faced with new challenges or opportunities. 

One successful example of this is the search engine Google and its Googler-to-Googler network, a programme whereby 80 per cent of the company’s training is done through employees volunteering to teach and train their colleagues. 

Business agility is a mindset, not a method 

Business agility is commonly associated with methodologies, such as agile frameworks or techniques, but one of the driving forces behind agility is a growth mindset. Adopting this perspective means recognising that no plan is ever final and that continuous improvement is just that —— continual, a journey without a finish line to deliver better value. The commitment to a learning mindset transforms how individuals and organisations approach problem-solving and collaboration, laying a foundation for growth and success. 

Feel the fear, and do it anyway! 

Organisations that prioritise a growth mindset benefit from more than just improved agility. They build an environment where employees feel valued, engaged, encouraged to develop, and are open to experimenting and innovating without fear of failure. This not only increases the organisation's agility but also creates a vibrant, forward-thinking culture that fuels long-term success. 

Empowering agility with the Agile Business Consortium's learning platform 

At the Agile Business Consortium, we understand the essential link between learning and business agility. That’s why our learning platform is designed to provide teams and leaders with the resources and support they need to foster a growth mindset. For example, our free course on Understanding an Agile Culture provides more information on how to develop a growth mindset. 

Accessible learning with strong support communities is key to empowering teams to embrace change confidently and proactively. Our learning platform offers a wide range of self-paced, online courses developed by industry experts. They are available anytime, anywhere with a practical focus to improve your skills in the workplace. They are aimed at helping anyone to develop the skills, mindset, and reflective practice required to thrive in dynamic environments.  

Whether you want to develop new skills, keep up with industry trends, or simply expand your knowledge and practice, our learning platform allows individuals and teams to stay ahead of the curve.  

Thriving in a fast-changing environment 

Who wants to just survive when you could thrive? The speed of business today means we can’t afford to be complacent. An organisation's ability to be flexible and adaptable — to respond to market changes, seize new opportunities, and overcome challenges, depends heavily on its commitment to continuous learning. It is not enough to just adopt new business processes; leaders and teams must adopt and embody a mindset of continuous growth and learning. 

By cultivating a growth mindset, companies position themselves to not only adapt to change but also to drive it. Business agility becomes a natural outcome of a culture where growth through learning is celebrated, and everyone is empowered to innovate. This approach not only helps companies stay relevant but also gives them a competitive edge. 

Register for our free course on Understanding an Agile Culture here.

You can find out more about all the courses we offer on our learning platform here

Please note blogs reflect the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the recommendations or guidance of the Agile Business Consortium.