White Paper: Agile (Project) Management

Agile (Project) Management: NOT a contradiction


Nowadays, we see many discussions between the project management community and the agile community, often focussing on agile versus “traditional” (we prefer to call them waterfall or linear) approaches. In the project management community, we hear ideas like “agile is only a hype, it will pass”, or “we’ve been doing this for many years”, or “this is only useful for IT”. In the agile community we hear “In agile we don’t need (project) management”, or “project management is only about command and control” or “project management is not relevant to agile”.

As project managers, we have a tendency to gravitate towards a particular method or approach. We often learn and practise specific disciplines and use particular tools and techniques, and over time this becomes our default way of working. It also becomes our world-view and perspective, and in doing so, creates a frame of reference that we use to judge what we believe is the best way to do things.

Irrespective of whether we are strongly rooted in IT or another discipline, or are strongly rooted in agile or linear project management, each of us can acknowledge that there is more than one way to manage change successfully, and that given the nature of the change, we should use the most appropriate approach and tool for the job. Sometimes this may be an agile approach, and in other instances it may be traditional project management; it all depends on the circumstances. However, some people take the view that either an agile approach has no place, or that traditional project management doesn’t work.

We have ample experience that basic misconceptions are the root cause for these ideas; that they are, in fact, keeping us from developing better and stronger ways to enhance “project” success, thereby delivering more value to our customers. Which is arguably why we do what we do.

We don’t just believe that “agile development is THE way to develop”, nor do we believe exclusively in project management. We believe that, in the end, the key to success is people cooperating and interacting to provide customer value; and these people must be facilitated by processes, tools, techniques, governance etc. to be more successful.

Read the full white paper:


Barbara Roberts

Barbara Roberts

Agile Transformation Coach

Barbara has been actively involved in agile from its inception. She believes strongly that choosing the right agile approach or combination of agile approaches is a key factor for success. Barbara is well-known for her pragmatic, common-sense approach to agile, and has led many successful agile transformations with organisations from all business sectors, often in highly regulated environments. Barbara was also previously director of the Agile Business Consortium.

Michael Young

Michael Young

Founder / Chief Executive Officer, Transformed

Michael is a serial entrepreneur, business mentor, product and marketing strategist, Board Chair, and company Director. He works with start-ups, not-for-profits, and owners and founders of small and medium businesses who have a great idea and want to scale beyond $10M in revenue.

Peter Coesmans

Peter Coesmans

Chief Agility Officer, Agile Business Consortium

Peter has been involved in agile working and its predecessors since 1997. He has helped to forward professionals in agility (co-authoring Agile Portfolio Management), project/programme/portfolio management (co-authoring IPMA’s ICB4 standard), and facilitation (setting up the international CPF assessment for IAF international). Peter often gets the opportunity to speak at professional conferences worldwide, on a myriad of topics. He is always looking for sustainable improvements and believes true change is brought forward in small steps, through learning and experimenting, and by collaborating with people with a common goal.
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Agile Business Consortium

Agile Business Consortium

The Agile Business Consortium is the professional body for business agility. We’re all about community – whether you’re a multinational working through a large-scale transformation, a new start-up, or a contractor, we can support you to achieve more, to grow more, and to build your business agility. As a global not-for-profit organisation that’s been around for over 25 years, our knowledge and experience around agile competencies and behaviours can offer you the guidance you need to reach your agility goals. Together with our partners, we create and share agile research, case studies, resources and tools that help you compete in today’s uncertain world. A registered not-for-profit, we’re the world’s longest-standing agile-orientated organisation. We’re the brains behind AgilePM®, AgileBA®, AgilePgM®, AgilePfM™ and AgileDS™. Based in the UK, we have members in over 30 countries around the world.


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