DSDM Project Framework - Welcome
Welcome to the DSDM Agile Project Framework Handbook produced by the not-for-profit Agile Business Consortium.
The DSDM Agile Project Framework is the leading, proven, Agile approach providing the governance and rigour along with the agility and flexibility organisations demand today.
The DSDM Agile Project Framework can be used either stand-alone or combined with other recognised methods such as PRINCE2®, MSP and PMI. It is also ideal as a wrapper for more limited Agile approaches to ensure that the whole project lifecycle is addressed.
The DSDM Agile Project Framework is a proven ‘battle hardened approach’ and has been responsible for the successful delivery of innumerable projects around the world. Its provenance across both IT and non-IT contexts goes back to 1994 with substantial productivity gains independently verified by the UK Software
Metrics Association.
The Agile Business Consortium operates on a collegiate model and this handbook represents the culmination of contributions from many experts over many years. Indeed, so many it is impossible to name them all individually
here. However, in the spirit of Agile projects – you know who you are and on behalf of the Consortium, We’d like to send my heartfelt thanks to all of you.
This handbook is intended to support study and continued professional development in the field of Agile project management. It shows how the lifecycle can be applied to address the business need, mitigate risk and maximise the
return on investment. As such, it represents essential reading for anyone wishing to become a certified professional as demanded by so many employers in today’s market.
The content is based on what we describe as the DSDM Agile Project Framework core. That is – it dispenses with generic practice that can be readily found elsewhere and is not side-tracked by niche specialist usages. In this way, the handbook remains cogent and concise throughout.
However, information on specialist usages – along with contextual illustrations and a wide range of support material – is provided on the www.agilebusiness.org website. The majority of the DSDM website, including the DSDM Agile Project Framework, is free to view and free to use.
You may also wish to become an Agile Business Consortium member. Quite apart from full access to all materials (including access to e-books) there are significant discounts on products, training and events. Furthermore, membership provides you with an opportunity to engage with the community and contribute to the framework – ensuring the quality and vibrancy of these past 20 years are carried into the future.
The DSDM Agile Project Framework Handbook represents the very latest in knowledge and learning around delivering project success and we are as proud of this product as we have been of the many others we have created.
We hope you find it both a helpful and rewarding contribution to your personal success.