Professional Level 1

Exploring - Factual Knowledge


What is Business Agility Professional Level 1?

A recognised approach to begin your business agility journey. At this level you will be at the start of your professional journey or new to business agility. You will probably be part of an Agile team, or in a team working towards becoming more agile, reinforcing your knowledge via simple, practical application. You will have a basic factual knowledge of Business Agility, and you should be using agile techniques to deal with simple work-based problems.



Who is Business Agility Professional Level 1 for?

  • Anyone working in an organisation of any size, or in any sector, or industry
  • Those new to business agility with some work-based and/or team-based experience
  • Anyone struggling with the complexities of team working


Why is Business Agility Professional Level 1 important to you?

  • It proves to your employer or potential employer that you have a good foundation of practical experience as well as knowledge of business agility
  • It connects you to a support network of like-minded professionals
  • It gives you everything you need to continually improve and grow as an individual

Achieving this competency level will allow you to:

  • Demonstrate basic factual knowledge
  • Address simple work-based problems
  • Carry out routine activities in an agile environment
  • Communicate effectively in teams and collaborate with colleagues
  • Work ethically to organisational standards related to business agility
  • Comply with essential organisational and personal security practices


What do you need to do?

To be recognised at this level, you will need to be able to

  • Sign up to Professional Membership
  • Provide evidence of practice across the Level 1 competencies by completing our automated application process.
  • Reflect on your own practice to include how you have gained your business agility knowledge, how you use agile techniques in your work and how you collaborate with other stakeholders.

To move from Level 1 to Level 2 you need to gain further knowledge across some aspect of Business Agility and prove how you have applied that knowledge. Please remember that maintaining your professional status includes following our Continuing Professional Development Process.

Pre-qualify. If you have an APMG qualification in AgilePM or AgileBA you have met the criteria for Professional Level 1. Check your inbox for an Agile Business Consortium email with instructions on how to activate your Credly badge and don't forget to check out Professional Level 2 so you can progress your business agility journey.



Ready? What next?


Sign up to Professional Membership and start your application. You’ll be asked a number of questions about your knowledge, practice, and experience so far. Your answers will be used to indicate your current professional level.  

Once you start your application, you have 14 days to complete the process. If you don’t submit before the deadline, you’ll need to restart the process. You’ll need to do the following to successfully complete your application: 

  • Create an account with your name and email address and sign up to Professional Membership 

  • Provide information about your business agility knowledge, your experience of working in an agile way, and what you have learnt 

  • Pay your aplication fee

Here is an example of reflective writing at Professional Level 1.

Once your application has been assessed, we will contact you.