
World Café: Championing Business Agility

World Café: Championing Business Agility

Times: 9am - 12pm

Venue: Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester

Join us for a dynamic World Café event where you can engage in table discussions on key aspects of business agility. 

Hear from Peter Coesmans, Chief Agility Officer at the Agile Business Consortium, who will be leading an in-depth discussion on Business Agility and will be sharing some of the learnings that have come out of this year's Insights Report (which will be available to download at the event).

Join Peter, and experts from our Special Interest Groups, ensuring insightful and focused conversations on:

  • Business Agility
  • Agility in Human Capital
  • Agility in Finance, Contracts, and Procurement
  • Agility in Marketing

Why should you attend?

  • Discover how HC, Finance, and Marketing are driving business agility forward
  • Engage in discussions about the future of these vital areas in a rapidly changing environment
  • Gain new insights and perspectives to enhance your work
  • Learn about upcoming initiatives from our Special Interest Groups
  • Establish a foundation to invite HC, Finance, Procurement, or Marketing teams to apply for the 2025 Agile Business Awards
  • These discussions will also reference data from the 2024 Insights Report, built from the experience of Agile Business Award winning organisations and commentary from our Reviewer panels.

Register for the event to join the discussion. We look forward to seeing you there.


Alistair Corrie

Alistair Corrie

Chartered Accountant, Agile Professional and Consultant, The Corrie Partnership

Pamela Ashby

Pamela Ashby

Strategist, Agile Business Consortium

Peter Coesmans

Peter Coesmans

Chief Agility Officer / Director, Agile Business Consortium

Scott Seivwright

Scott Seivwright

Digital Transformation Leader, Being Beyond Better