Show Me the Money – How could Agile and Financial Accounting Teams Collaborate?

Join us to experience firsthand real-time budget creation using Excel during our upcoming Agility in Finance SIG event. Witness as our speakers dynamically adjust budgets based on actual projects, offering you an insight into the traditional accountant's mindset and their reactions to Agile methodologies. It's an engaging journey that promises to illuminate the intricacies of collaboration between finance and Agile teams.
What if a financial accounting expert was an integral part of your Agile team? Embark on a transformative journey with us in this workshop where Agile and Finance Accounting Teams converge to reshape collaboration dynamics. Let's dismantle barriers and craft a distinctive partnership aimed at propelling organisations towards success.
During this 90-minute session, we will explore:
  • Tackling the common challenge of departments pulling in opposite directions

  • Why finance folks keep trying to reconcile to things which are no longer relevant to the outcome?

  • Why do Agilists keep changing the plan?

  • Understanding the intricacies of each other's mindset and language

  • What do finance people do and how do they think?

  • How does the accountant deal with changes in the project and how is that reflected in an updated budget?

  • Highlighting the symbiotic relationship where Agilists seek Finance insights on investment, revenue, and cost-cutting

  • How will the work and effort be accounted for in the financial statements?

  • What data can help us to make better decisions in prioritisation, budgeting, financial impact of the work we do?

  • Outlining how Finance seeks Agile support for collaboration and innovation

  • How can we reduce the time it takes to close the month end or the year end?

  • How to be involved in the decisions, rather than sort it out after the fact?

Learning Objectives:

You will leave the session with a profound comprehension of the essential collaboration between Agile and Financial Accounting teams. Armed with a practical toolkit, you will gain one to three actionable steps for immediate individual or team application.

What you'll take away:

  • Understand better what is going on in a Profit & Loss Account (P&L) and a Balance Sheet
  • Insight into measurements commonly used in Finance to assess companies, projects, or initiatives, enabling Agilists to create tangible financial impact
  • Understand the mindset of the accountant as they deal with changes in the project and how that is reflected in an updated budget
  • Strategies to create time in a Financial Accountant's schedule for collaborative endeavours


Alistair Corrie

Alistair Corrie

Chartered Accountant, Agile Consultant and Author of The Key Elements for Business Agility, The Corrie Partnership

Anna Zakoyan

Anna Zakoyan

Agile Coach, Trainer, Consultant and Founder, PrimeProjekt