How to Build a Skills-Based Organisation

How to Build a Skills-Based Organisation 

 The world of work has changed significantly over the past 10 years. Organisations are (or should be) focusing on creating value for customers, shareholders, employees, and their community. They need to do this in an environment where they face significant competition, and it is those that can create this value at speed and scale that will win. This value will be delivered through work and this work will be delivered through a combination of full-time employees, contingent employees, ecosystem partners and digital workers (bots). 

 It is the ability to deliver at speed and scale that has challenged the traditional way of structuring organisations – particularly as it relates to jobs. The traditional, inflexible hierarchical structures and job descriptions limit speed, scale, and innovation. 

 Through moving towards a skills-based approach, organisations bring in the capability and flexibility to deliver at speed and scale. 

  We will explore the following in this workshop: 

  • What is the difference between a skills-based organisation versus a jobs-based organisation? 

  • Why do organisations need to move towards being skills-based? 

  • How do you build a skills-based organisation? 

  • What does this mean to your employees – at a team and individual level? 

  • What are talent marketplaces? 

  The workshop will be led by Myles Hopkins, Founder and CEO of Be Agile, a boutique consulting company that enables clients to thrive in a highly disruptive and evolving world through “speed of first to market”.

Myles Hopkins

Myles Hopkins

Business Agility Influencer, Be Agile

Perry Timms

Perry Timms

Founder and Chief Energy Officer, People & Transformational HR Ltd