Chapter 20: Appendix C Index

Previous chapter: 19 Appendix B Project Approach Questionnaire (PAQ)

Appendix C Index

This index is in alphabetical, word by word order. It does not cover the Contents list or Foreword. Location references are to chapter and section number, e.g.

benefits realisation, 16.5.6

indicates that information on the realisation of benefits can be found in Chapter 16, section 16.5.6.

Abbreviations: App = Appendix; Fig = Figure; Tab = Table


acceptance criteria

see also iterative development

confirming in Timebox, 13.3.2

defining whether met, 11.4.5

general, 11.4.2

on reverse of User Story cards, 15.3.3

quality perspective, 16.6.3

Agile Alliance, 2.1-2

Agile projects

see also projects

choosing DSDM as Agile approach, 2.6

differences between Agile approaches and DSDM, 2.4

introduction of Agile term, 2.1

relationship with DSDM, 2.2


difference from other Agile approaches, 2.4

difference from traditional approaches, 2.3

reasons for choosing DSDM, 2.6

Assemble activity, 6.6.1

see also Deployment phase


of facilitated workshops, 9.2

of using DSDM, 2.7

Benefits Assessments, 8.2.14

see also milestone products

benefits realisation, 16.5.6

Bennekum, Arie van, 2.1

Big Visible Charts (BCVs), see Team Boards

Business Advisors

collaboration, 4.4

responsibilities, 7.12.1; 11.4.4

role,, 7.12

Timeboxes, 13.3.3

use in Solution Development Team, 5.3.2

Business Ambassadors

collaboration, 4.4

decision-making, 5.3.1

responsibilities, 7.9.1; 11.4.4

role,, 7.9

time commitment, 5.4.1

Timeboxes, 13.3.2-3.3, 13.4

Business Analysts

collaboration, 4.4

measurement of benefits, 16.5.6

modelling skills, 12.4.7

responsibilities, 7.7.1; 15.4.1, 15.4.3

role,, 7.7

Timeboxes, 13.3.2

Business Cases, 8.2.2

see also evolutionary products

business engagement in project

see also Instrumental Success Factors (ISFs)

active involvement of business roles, 5.4.2

commitment of time, 5.4.1

general, 5.4

supportive commercial relationships, 5.4.3

business needs, focussing on, 4.2

Business Sponsors

decision-making, 5.3.1

responsibilities, 7.3.1

role,, 7.3

Business Visionaries

approval of changes to requirements, 16.4.3

collaboration, 4.4

decision-making, 5.3.1

measurement of benefits, 16.5.6

responsibilities, 7.4.1; 17.2.1

role,, 7.4

Timeboxes, 13.3.3


change, responding to, 2.2

change control, 16.4.3

see also project control

chat facilities, 14.2.3

see also communication


see also teams; workshops

barriers to, 14.3.2

collaborative people, 14.3.3

collaborative testing, 16.3.2

collaborative workspaces, 14.2.3

customer collaboration, 2.2

definition, 14.3.1

effective collaboration, 14.3.2

estimating in groups, 16.2.3

general, 4.4; 14.1, 14.4

leadership, 14.3.7

T-shaped skills, Fig 14d

workplace culture, 14.3.6

commercial relationships, 5.4.3

see also stakeholders

common sense, 3.1, 3.5


see also modelling; workshops

co-located teams, 14.2.6

communication skills, 14.2.1

day-to-day, 14.2.5

see also Team Boards; Daily Stand-ups

distributed teams

communication models, Figs 14a-b

general, 14.2.7

examples of poor communication, 14.1

general, 4.8; 14.4

planning effective communication, 14.2.2

types of communication, 14.2.3

use of specialist terminology, 14.2.1

within Solution Development Teams, 5.3.3-3.4

words v. pictures, 14.2.4, Fig 14c

composition of DSDM, Fig 3a

conferencing methods, 14.2.3

see also communication

control, see project control

cost, as project variable, 3.3, Fig 3b

Could Have priorities

see also MoSCoW prioritisation

definition, 10.2.3

difference from Should Have priorities, 10.4.2

percentage of requirements, 10.4.1

project metrics, 10.5

creation of DSDM, 1.1; 2.1

customer collaboration, 2.2

see also collaboration


Daily Stand-ups

attendance at, 7.2.3

general, 13.5;

transparency of process/progress, 16.4.2

updating of Timebox Plans, 8.2.11

decision-making, 5.3.1; 9.2

definitions, 1.1.-2

deliverables, verification, 11.4.4-4.5

Delivery Approach Definitions, 8.2.5

see also evolutionary products

delivery of solutions

general, 3.4.1-4.2; 4.1

incremental, 4.6; 5.5

Delivery Plans, 8.2.6; 16.2.2

see also evolutionary products; Project Increments

Deploy activity, 6.6.3

see also Deployment phase

Deployed Solution, 8.2.10

Deployment phase

see also process

Assemble activity, 6.6.1

Deploy activity, 6.6.3

modelling, 12.4.5

objective, 6.6

project closure, 6.6.4

project planning, 16.5.5

quality assurance, 16.6.6

Review activity, 6.6.2

simple v. complex deployment, 6.6.5

Development Approach Definitions, 8.2.5

see also evolutionary products


see also products

as means of communication, 14.2.3

value of, 8.3

DSDM, choice of as Agile approach, 2.6

DSDM Coach

responsibilities, 7.15.1

role,, 7.15

DSDM Consortium, 1.1-3


EDUF, 1.2

email, 14.2.3

see also communication


general, 16.2.1

Solution Development Teams, 5.3.1; 16.4.4

end-to-end testing, 16.6.6

see also testing

Enough Design Up Front (EDUF), 1.2

see also Foundations phase

Epics, 15.3.2-3.3, 15.4.1-4.2

see also User Stories

estimates, 16.2.3

see also project planning

Evolutionary Development phase

see also process

modelling, 12.4.4

objectives, 6.5

planning, 16.5.4

quality issues, 16.6.3-6.5

requirements during, 15.4.3

evolutionary products

see also products

Business Cases, 8.2.2

Delivery Plans, 8.2.6; 16.2.2

Development Approach Definitions, 8.2.5

Evolving Solutions, 5.5; 8.2.10

Management Approach Definitions, 8.2.7

Prioritised Requirements Lists (PRL), see Prioritised Requirements Lists (PRL)

Solution Architecture Definitions, 8.2.4

Timebox Plans, 8.2.11; 16.5.4

Timebox Review Records, 8.2.12; 13.3.2

Evolving Solutions, 5.5; 8.2.10


face-to-face communication, 14.2.3

see also communication

facilitated workshops, see workshops

Feasibility Assessments, 8.2.8

see also milestone products

Feasibility phase

see also process

completion of Project Approach Questionnaires, 5.7

modelling, 12.4.2

objectives, 6.3

planning, 16.5.2

requirements activity, 15.4.1

risk analysis, 16.6.1

use of Terms of Reference in, 8.2.1

features, as project variable, 3.3, Fig 3b

Foundation Summaries, 8.2.9

see also milestone products

Foundations phase

agreeing development strategy, 11.2

agreeing lifecycle of project, 6.8

analysis and design, 1.2

decision-making boundaries, 5.3.1

Enough Design Up Front, 1.2

modelling, 12.3.2, 12.4.3

objectives, 6.4

planning, 16.5.3

project variables, 3.3

quality issues, 16.6.2

re-assessment of Project Approach Questionnaires, 5.7

requirements activity, 15.4.2

returning to during project, 6.4

free format Timeboxes

see also Timeboxes

diagram, Fig 13b

general, 13.4

functional requirements (FRs),

see also requirements

glossary, App A

governance processes, products used in

Benefits Assessments, 8.2.14

Feasibility Assessments, 8.2.8

Foundations Summaries, 8.2.9

general, 8.1, Fig 8a

Project Review Reports, 8.2.13

Terms of Reference, 8.2.1

Timebox Review Records, 8.2.12


incremental delivery of solutions, 4.6; 5.5

individuals/interaction, 2.2

see also collaboration

Information Radiators, see Team Boards

Instrumental Success Factors (ISFs)

business engagement

  active involvement of business roles, 5.4.2

  commitment of time, 5.4.1

  general, 5.4

  supportive commercial relationships, 5.4.3

DSDM project approach, 5.2

general, 5.1, 5.8

incremental delivery, 5.5

iterative development, 5.5

Project Approach Questionnaires, see Project Approach Questionnaires (PAQ)

Solution Development Teams, see Solution Development Teams (SDT)

testing, 5.5

transparency, 5.6

ISFs, see Instrumental Success Factors (ISFs)

iterative development

controlling, 11.3

general, 4.5, 4.7; 11.5

Instrumental Success Factors, see Instrumental Success Factors (ISFs)

overview, 11.1


 general, 11.2

 requirement focus, 11.2.1

 solution focus, 11.2.2


acceptance criteria, 11.4.2, 11.4.5

criteria, 11.4.1

general, 11.4

validation, 11.4.3

verification, 11.4.3-4.5


Kanban Boards, see Team Boards


leadership, 14.3.7


Management Approach Definitions, 8.2.7

see also evolutionary products

management by exception, 16.4.4

see also project control

Manifesto For Agile Software Development, 2.1-2

milestone products

see also products

Benefits Assessments, 8.2.14

Feasibility Assessments, 8.2.8

Foundation Summaries, 8.2.9

Project Review Reports, 8.2.13

Terms of Reference, 8.2.1

Minimum Usable SubseT (MUST), 3.3; 10.2.1

see also MosCow prioritisation


see also models

‘as is’ v. ‘to be’, 12.4.7

Deployment phase, 12.4.5

Evolutionary Development phase, 12.4.4

Feasibility phase, 12.4.2

Foundations phase, 12.4.3

general, 12.5

perspectives, 12.3.2, Fig 12a,

Post-project phase, 12.4.6

Pre-project phase, 12.4.1

purpose 12.1-2

techniques, 12.3.2


see also modelling; prototypes

‘as is’ v. ‘to be’, 12.4.7

definition, 12.2

target audiences, 12.3.1

types, 12.1

MoSCoW prioritisation

Could Have items, 10.2.3, 10.4.2

general, 3.3; 10.1, 10.9

managing business expectations, 10.5

Must Have items, 10.2.1, 10.4.4


 assigning, 10.8

 balancing, 10.4.1, Fig 10a

 defining, 10.4.2

 levels of priority for requirements, 10.3

relationship to Business Vision, 10.6.1

re-prioritising at end of Project Increment, 10.4.4

review during project, 10.4.3

Should Have items, 10.2.2, 10.4.2

use in practice, 10.7

Won’t Have this time items, 10.2.4

MUST, 3.3; 10.2.1

Must Have priorities

see also MoSCoW prioritisation

definition, 10.2.1

percentage of requirements, 10.4.1

re-prioritising at end of Project Increments, 10.4.4

review, 10.4.4


non-functional requirements (NFRs), 15.2.1-2.2, 15.5.1

see also requirements


observers at workshops,

see also workshops

outcome-based measurement, 16.4.1, Fig 16a

see also project tracking

overview of Handbook, 1.3


PAQs, see Project Approach Questionnaires (PAQ)

participants in workshops,

see also workshops

philosophy, 3.1, 3.5, Fig 3a

planning, see project planning

Post-project phase

see also process

objectives, 6.7

modelling, 12.4.6

planning benefits realisation, 16.5.6

pragmatism, 3.1, 3.5

Pre-project phase

see also process

objectives, 6.2

modelling, 12.4.1

planning, 16.5.1


Build Incrementally from Firm Foundations (Principle 5), 4.6

Collaborate (Principle 3), 4.4

Communicate Continuously and Clearly (Principle 7), 4.8

Deliver on Time (Principle 2), 4.3

Demonstrate Control (Principle 8), 4.9

Develop Iteratively (Principle 6), 4.7

Focus on the Business Need (Principle 1), 4.2

general, 3.1, 3.5, Fig 3a; 4.1, 4.10

Never Compromise Quality (Principle 4), 4.5

prioritisation of requirements, see MoSCoW prioritisation

Prioritised Requirements Lists (PRL)

see also evolutionary products

general, 8.2.3

Timebox PRLs, 10.3

undelivered products, 13.3.4

User Stories, 15.4.2

Won’t Have this time requirements, recording, 10.2.4

PRL, see Prioritised Requirements Lists (PRL)


configuration of for projects, 6.9

Deployment phase, 6.6-6.6.5

diagram, Fig 6a

Evolutionary Development phase, 6.5

Feasibility phase, 6.3

Foundations phase, 6.4

general, 3.5, Fig 3a

lifecycle of project, 6.8

overview, 6.1, 6.10

Post-project phase, 6.7

Pre-project phase, 6.2

products of DSDM process

diagram, Fig 8a

evolutionary products

Business Cases, 8.2.2

Delivery Plans, 8.2.6; 16.2.2

Development Approach Definitions, 8.2.5

Evolving Solutions, 5.5; 8.2.10

Management Approach Definitions, 8.2.7

Prioritised Requirements Lists, see Prioritised Requirements Lists (PRL)

Solution Architecture Definitions, 8.2.4

Timebox Plans, 8.2.11; 16.5.4

Timebox Review Records, 8.2.12; 13.3.2

general, 3.5, Fig 3a; 8.1, 8.3

milestone products

Benefits Assessments, 8.2.14

Feasibility Assessments, 8.2.8

Foundation Summaries, 8.2.9

Project Review Reports, 8.2.13

Terms of Reference, 8.2.1

streamlining of, 1.2

Project Approach Questionnaires (PAQ)

general, 5.7

template, App B

use in tailoring DSDM

 general, 17.1-2, 17.3

 individual PAQ statements, 17.2.1

project control

demonstrating control, 4.9

management by exception, 16.4.4

responding to change, 16.4.3

Project Increments

see also Timeboxes

changes to Solution Development Teams, 5.3.2

general, 3.4.1

incremental planning, 16.5.7

Must Have requirements, 10.3

re-prioritising requirements at end of, 10.4.4; 16.5.7

reviews of Business Case, 8.2.2

project-level roles

see also roles

Business Analysts, 7.7

Business Sponsors, 7.3

Business Visionaries, 7.4

engagement, 7.2.3


Project Managers, 7.6

Technical Coordinators, 7.5

Project Managers

see also projects

responsibilities, 7.6.1; 14.3.7; 16.2.1

role,, 7.6

project outcomes, 3.2

project planning

Deployment phase, 16.5.5

diagram, Fig 16b

estimates, 16.2.3

Evolutionary Development phase, 16.5.4

Feasibility phase, 16.5.2

Foundations phase, 16.5.3

general, 16.1, 16.7

incremental planning, 16.5.7

level of detail, 16.2.2

outcome-based planning, 16.2.1

planning horizons, 16.2.2

Post-project phase, 16.5.6

Pre-project phase, 16.5.1

testing, see testing

Timeboxes, 16.5.4

Project Review Reports, 8.2.13

see also milestone products

project tracking

general, 16.4

outcome-based measurement, 16.4.1, Fig 16a

transparency, 16.4.2

project variables, 3.3, Fig 3b


see also Agile projects; Project Managers

addressing problems using DSDM, 2.5

business engagement in, 5.4-4.3

closure following deployment of solution, 6.6.5

control of, see project control

difference between traditional approach and DSDM, 2.3

historic failure of, 2.1

lifecycle, 6.8

outcomes, 3.2

planning, see project planning

tailoring DSDM to project, 17.2-2.1

tracking, see project tracking

prototypes, 12.3, 12.4.2-3

see also modelling



as project variable, 3.3, Fig 3b

assurance, 8.2.5; 16.6.5

compromising, 4.5

impact assessments, 16.6.5

iterative development

 acceptance criteria, 11.4.2

 general, 11.4

 quality criteria, 11.4.1

 validation, 11.4.3

 verification, 11.4.3-4.5

project planning

Deployment phase, 16.6.6

Evolutionary Development phase, 16.6.3-5

Feasibility phase, 16.6.1

Foundations phase, 16.6.2

questionnaires, see Project Approach Questionnaires (PAQ)

Rapid Application Development (RAD), 1.1; 2.1



 general, 15.2.1

 functional requirements (FRs),

 non-functional requirements (NFRs),

changes to, 16.4.3

defining through User Stories, see User Stories

definition, 15.2

DSDM lifecycle phases

 Evolutionary Development phase, 15.4.3

 Feasibility phase, 15.4.1

 Foundations phase, 15.4.2

 general, 15.4

general, 15.1, 15.5


see also roles

Business Advisors, 7.12.1

Business Ambassadors, 7.9.1

Business Analysts, 7.7.1

Business Sponsors, 7.3.1

Business Visionaries, 7.4.1

DSDM Coaches, 7.15.1

Project Managers, 7.6.1

Solution Developers, 7.10.1

Solution Testers, 7.11.1

Team Leaders, 7.8.1

Technical Advisors, 7.13.1

Technical Coordinators, 7.5.1

Workshop Facilitators, 7.14.1

Return on Investment (ROI), 10.6.1

Review activity, 6.6.2

see also Deployment phase


deliverables, 11.4.4

Timeboxes, 13.3.2-3.3

risk analysis, 16.6.1

ROI, 10.6.1


see also responsibilities

Business Advisors, 7.12

Business Ambassadors, 7.9

Business Analysts, 7.7

Business Sponsors, 7.3

Business Visionaries, 7.4

DSDM Coaches, 7.15

DSDM Team Model, 7.2.1, Fig 7a

fulfilment, 7.2.4

general, 7.1, 7.16

levels of engagement, 7.2.3


Project Managers, 7.6

Solution Development Teams,

Solution Developers, 7.10

Solution Testers, 7.11


Team Leaders, 7.8

Technical Advisors, 7.13

Technical Coordinators, 7.5

Workshop Facilitators, 7.14



using DSDM alongside, 2.6

white paper/pocketbook, 1.2

‘servant leaders’, 14.3.7

Should Have priorities

see also MoSCoW prioritisation

definition, 10.2.2

difference from Could Have priorities, 10.4.2

project metrics, 10.5

soft skills, 14.2.1

Solution Architecture Definitions, 8.2.4

see also evolutionary products

Solution Developers

responsibilities, 7.10.1; 11.4.4

role,, 7.10

Solution Development Teams (SDT)

co-location, 5.4.2

empowerment, 5.3.1; 16.4.4

engagement, 7.2.3

Evolutionary Development phase, 6.5

general, 5.3

responsibilities, 16.2.1, 16.5.4


 Business Ambassadors, 7.9

 Business Analysts, 7.7

 general, 7.2.2.

 Solution Developers, 7.10

 Solution Testers 7.11

 Team Leaders, 7.8

size, 5.3.4

skills, 5.3.3

stability, 5.3.2

Solution Increments, 4.6; 5.5; 8.2.10; 16.4.1

Solution Testers

responsibilities, 7.11.1; 11.4.4

role,, 7.11

solutions, delivery of

general, 3.4.1-4.2; 4.1

incremental delivery, 4.6; 5.5


collaboration, 14.3.4

communication with, 14.2.2

definition, 3.1

obtaining buy-in through workshops, 9.2

sharing of knowledge, 4.4

Structured Timeboxes

see also Timeboxes

close-out, 13.3.5

consolidation, 13.3.4

diagram, Fig 13a

general, 13.3

investigation, 13.3.2

kick-off, 13.3.1

refinement, 13.3.3

supporting roles

see also roles

Business Advisors, 7.12

DSDM Coaches, 7.15

engagement, 7.2.3


Technical Advisors, 7.13

Workshop Facilitators, 7.14


tailoring DSDM to projects, 17.1-3

TDD, 16.3.6

Team Boards, 13.5; 14.2.3,; 16.4.2

Team Leaders

see also teams

collaboration, 4.4

responsibilities, 7.8.1; 14.3.7; 16.5.4

role,, 7.8

Team Models, 7.2.1, Fig 7a

see also responsibilities; roles


co-located, 14.2.6

distributed, 14.2.7

DSDM concept, 14.3.4

leaders, see Team Leaders

team goals, 14.3.5

team spirit, developing through workshops, 9.2

teamwork, 4.4

Technical Advisors

responsibilities, 7.13.1

role,, 7.13

use in Solution Development Team, 5.3.2

Technical Coordinators

responsibilities, 7.5.1; 11.4.4

role,, 7.5

teleconference Stand-ups, 13.5; 14.2.3

see also Daily Stand-ups

Terms of Reference, 8.2.1; 15.4.1

see also milestone products

Test-driven Development (TDD), 16.3.6

see also testing


collaboration, 16.3.2, 16.6.4

deliverables, 11.4.4

general, 4.5

independence, 16.3.5

Instrumental Success Factors, 5.5

integration into project, 16.3.1

prioritisation, 16.3.4

quality issues, 16.6.4-6.6

repeat testing, 16.3.3

test-driven development, 16.3.6

Themes, 15.3.2-3.3, 15.4.1-4.2

see also User Stories


as project variable, 3.3, Fig 3b

commitment of business time to project, 5.4-4.1

delivering on time, 4.3

Timebox Plans, 8.2.11; 16.5.4

see also evolutionary products

Timebox Prioritised Requirements List, 10.3

see also Prioritised Requirements List (PRL)

Timebox Review Records, 8.2.12; 13.3.2

see also evolutionary products


daily stand-ups, see Daily Stand-ups

dealing with changes to, 13.6

definition, 13.1

free format

 diagram, Fig 13b

 general, 13.4

general, 13.7-8, Fig 13c

horizons, 16.2.2

incremental delivery of solution, 5.5

length, 13.1

MoSCoW prioritisation, 10.3

project planning, 16.5.4

solution-focussed iterative development, 11.2.2


 close-out, 13.3.5

 consolidation, 13.3.4

 diagram, Fig 13a

 general, 13.3

 investigation, 13.3.2

 kick-off, 13.3.1

 refinement, 13.3.3

styles, 13.2

User Stories, 15.4.3


application, 13.7-8, Fig 13c

general, 3.3; 13.1

outcome-based measurement, 16.4.1, Fig 16a

transparency, 5.6


User Stories

cards, 15.3.3

definition, 15.3.1

Evolutionary Development phase, 15.4.3

example, 15.3.3

Feasibility phase, 15.4.1

format, 15.3.2

Foundations phase, 15.4.2

general, 10.1; 12.3.2

guidance on creating, 15.3.4


verification of deliverables, 11.4.4-4.5


‘Waterfall’ approach to projects, 2.1, 2.3

Won’t Have this time priorities, 10.2.4, 10.4

see also MoSCoW prioritisation

working software, 2.2

Workshop Facilitators

managing workshops, 9.3.1-3.2,

responsibilities, 7.14.1

role,, 7.14; 9.1

running workshops,

Workshop Owners,,,

Workshop Scribes,,



 define and plan,


 general, 9.3.4



benefits, 9.2

general, 4.4; 9.1, 9.6

group dynamics, 9.3.2

process, 9.3.1

retrospectives,; 13.3.5

roles in facilitated workshops

 general, 9.3.3



 workshop facilitator,

 workshop owner,

success factors, 9.4

unfacilitated, 9.5

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